Visio Divina

Visio Divina is a contemplative prayer type that uses pictures.

We remind ourselves that prayer does not originate with us; rather, it is a response.

It is an answer to a God who is communicating with us in so many ways.

So often we approach God through our intellect without opening our hearts and minds to ways God is speaking to us.

In this prayer we are opening ourselves to hearing from God by using more of our senses. Our goal is responding to God with more of ourselves.

In Visio Divina, we especially want to be aware of ways God is speaking to us…to NOTICE. We may notice something that is unpleasant? We may notice something delightful or triggers other emotions? What are you drawn to? What do you resist? Both resonance and dissonance can carry a message from God.

This is not linear thinking. It is more intuitive. Something you know without thinking about it.

I invite you to choose a picture that speaks to you in some way… in other words, let the picture choose you. Look through them all and notice which image draws you to it. Let the picture pick you.

Sit and relax with your picture.

Gaze at the picture that spoke to you.


  • If the picture could speak to you, what would it say?
  • As you sit with the picture, take yourself into the scene. Imagine where you are in the picture and what is happening.
  • Imagine what you might feel or hear
  • Does the picture have a message for you?

Spend some quiet time with this.